Sunday, 2 January 2011


It's about that time of year again, time to make myself some resolutions!

Crafty times
1. Try and sew all the projects in the book I got for Christmas
2. Learn to crochet!!
3. Teach the boys to knit 

1. Start on Flylady again
2. Spring clean! I didn't do this last year and oh but you could tell! 

1. I've managed to keep on top of homework and haven't missed an exam. My aim is to keep this up and to keep myself organised.

Bits n bobs.
1. Almost forgot this one, but facebook kindly reminded me: get a fish pedicure!
2. Try the couch-5k again and try and jog the Race for Life this year
3. Drop a dress size for the summer!

That's really what I want to achieve for next year. Have you made any resolutions this year?


  1. I too am resolute! It's more of a to-do list for me than anything else, but getting organised and doing more of the crafting are also on my list :)


  2. No resolutions as such because I never stick to them. I am, however, attempting to make my life healthier. I also want to read 50 new books this year.
