Wednesday 15 June 2011

Not so technologically illiterate after all!

Look! I'm blogging from my phone! Oh, I do so hope it works. The laptop has finally gasped its last desperate, wheezing breath and is now in a better place... THE BIN! Not really but I was very close to launching it out a window at times. Thankfully I am now finished college more or less and no longer need it for that! Oh, and we got our end of course results - three A's! Very happy with that - I needed ABB to get into my first choice University (glasgow) so I am actually, really, going to Uni in a few months! It's really happening! I'm quite scared now!


  1. The phone worked great! Good luck getting another laptop if you need one though. We are rooting for you!

  2. You can do it! I wish you lots of luck. Post here and tell us how it is going.
